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Report Pursant to the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (“Modern Slavery Act”) Fiscal Year 2023 1. Introduction At Eden Valley Poultry Incorporated (“EVP”) we are unified behind our Strategic Framework. Our strategic framework is our commitment to our vision, mission, and values. This Report is produced by EVP for the financial year 2023 and sets out the steps taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used at any step of the production or sale of goods by EVP. EVP does not production or sell goods outside of Canada. Forced labour and child labour are contrary to our values. We do not tolerate forced labour or child labour. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and expect our directors and all EVP employees, suppliers, and contractors to act with integrity and comply with the laws, regulations, and rules that apply to EVP. This Report constitutes the first report prepared by EVP pursuant to Bill S-211 An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (the “Act”). 2. Steps Taken to Prevent and Reduce the Risk of Forced Labour and Child Labour EVP has adopted various code of conduct policies and procedures to address human rights and labour standards within our company as well as within our supply chains. If instances arise where the expectations outlined below are not met, we will respond in an appropriate manner. EVP has taken and will take the following steps to prevent or reduce the risk of forced labour and child labour details of the below actions are set out in this report: a) We conducted a risk assessment of potential forced labour and/or child labour in EVP’s activities and supply chains. b) We annually review our Code of Conduct. c) We developed a Human Rights Policy Statement that is posted on our website. d) We implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct in May 2024. e) We engage with our Union who represent the majority of our workforce. 3. Structure, Activities, and Supply Chain EVP is incorporated under the Nova Scotia Companies Act. The company is headquartered in Berwick, Nova Scotia. Our vision is to be the leading processor and marketer of choice for Nova Scotia and PEI chicken and turkey. Our mission is to focus on successful customers and best-in-class processes. Operations began in October 2010 with a state-of-the-art, processing facility. Today, we employ approximately 500 people. With an average family size of 3, EVP contributes financially to 1,188 family members and we have more than 50 farmers who rely on us for their business and financial success. Our customers demand affordable, high quality, safe, and socially responsible products for consumption. Our chicken products are grain fed, air chilled and Halal certified. In 2023, we processed chicken and turkey in our production facility and sold chicken to more than 100 customers. We delivered our product to more than 500 locations in Eastern and Central Canada and fed approximately 930,000 people. We are immensely proud of the quality of the product we produce. We have consistently received an AA rating by Brand Reputation Through Compliance (BRC). BRC is the global standard for food safety and recognized around the world. Our values at EVP include excellence, visibility, and passion. We are visible in our leadership, leading by example; we are open to suggestions, and we treat each other with respect. For us, respect is an action. Our reputable suppliers are committed to following the guidelines on forced labor, anti-bribery, health and safety, quality, and safe working conditions. We have implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct. Our suppliers provide written confirmation of their understanding and adherence to the Code. Once completed, these questionnaires are reviewed by an internal team to determine adherence and whether further action is required. 4. Policies and Procedures a) Code of Conduct Employees are encouraged to report any concerns, including those involving business conduct issues. If an employee is uncomfortable discussing their concerns, EVP offers a reporting line (902-538-3800 extension 2030). This line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our Code of Conduct is the foundation for how we work together. We are committed to providing our employees with a workplace that enables each of us to be part of an inspired, high-performance team. Our behavior at work or in the community contributes to our success. The values which we live by guide our behavior. The Code of Conduct is our guide that ensures our behavior at work, or at work related activities, represents the best of Eden Valley Poultry. b) Human Rights Policy Statement We recognize the importance of respecting and promoting human rights, and we are dedicated to conducting our business in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all individuals. We are committed to working with suppliers who share our commitment to human rights. We will seek to engage with suppliers who uphold similar labor and human rights standards and are transparent about their practices. We will work collaboratively with our suppliers to address any human rights concerns and promote continuous improvement. c) Supplier Code of Conduct In May 2024, EVP implemented its Supplier Code of Conduct. The Supplier Code applies to all suppliers that provide goods to EVP. Suppliers are responsible for compliance with the standards set out in the Supplier Code throughout their operations and throughout their entire product supply chain. Suppliers must comply with or exceed all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they operate. This includes, but is not limited to, laws relating to labour, health and safety, environmental protection, and animal welfare. Suppliers must uphold the fundamental human rights of their employees and treat them with dignity and respect. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Prohibition of forced labor and child labor. Fair wages, benefits and working hours in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards. Safe and healthy working conditions including a workplace that is free of bullying, harassment, and violence. Non-discrimination in employment practices. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. 5. Additional Polices and Agreements EVP has a multitude of human resources policies and procedures, as well as a strong occupational health and safety management system. Our policies and procedures meet or exceed applicable laws. The majority of our workforce is unionized. The Production and Sanitation Collective Agreement between Eden Valley Poultry Incorporated and Unifor-Canada, Local 2216 articles the importance of Union Rights (Article 14), Hours of Work (Article 15), and Labour Management Relations including Joint Occupational Health and Safety and Human Rights (Article 20). 6. Any measures taken to remediate any forced labour or child labour. To date, there have been no identified or reported instances of forced labour or child labour in our activities and supply chain. 7. Training and Assessing Effectiveness While we have not yet developed training or taken steps to assess the effectiveness of these steps, EVP intends to explore those further at a later stage. 8. Approval and Attestation This report was approved by the Board of Directors of Eden Valley Poultry Incorporated. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular Section 11 thereof, I, the undersigned, attest that I have reviewed the information contained in this Report for the entity listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in this Report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above. Werner Barnard President & Chief Executive Officer 31 May 2024 _____________________________ Luke Hempel Chief Financial Officer 31 May 2024 We have authority to bind Eden Valley Poultry Incorporated
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